Awareness with Tumblr

Tumblr offers a variety of tools and resources to perfect your blog. The 11th largest social media platform allows businesses and individuals to create, maintain, and share content via blogs. It’s a great tool to use for networking and posting content to grow a brand. At WeCanHelp, our team focuses exclusively on social media platforms to grow a brand or awareness for our clients. Tumblr is a great way to interact with people across the world through sharing experiences and initiatives. How can Tumblr be used to grow your brand awareness? Continue reading to find out!


Ways to use for clients:

  • Mainly used as a blogging site or social networking platform
  • 1.1 Billion posts monthly with just over 158 billion posts on the site
  • Currently there are around 396 million blogs that are created on Tumblr
  • New monthly blogs created: 7.2 million
  • The average age of Tumblr users are 18-34 years old
  • 52% of the users are male and 48% are female (even split)

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Our Past Client Success Story

Outreach is a small ambulatory care company in the Toledo, Ohio area. The President and CEO of Outreach wanted to develop a campaign to send their medical professionals overseas to struggling third-world countries to provide additional assistance. This initiative was developed to help those in need of medical attention who cannot receive adequate care. Their goal was to display to the Toledo community, as well as the rest of the world, the experiences and personableness of their company and employees. Outreach strives to make every patient’s life better in some way, but they struggled with figuring out how they might be able to attain that goal in a way it can be accessed by people all over the world. WeCanHelp! was approached to develop a personalized strategy to raise awareness and share the stories of the medical professionals providing care to third-world countries. Based on our analysis of determining which social media platform to use, it was obvious Tumblr was the most effective tool to share their journey. charitable logo maker

Our company sat down with Outreach’s executives and media team to develop a strategy and informative presentation on how Tumblr is used. Tumblr gives its users the ability to post blogs and pictures for networking and sharing purposes, which was a perfect fit for Outreach’s vision. Users can follow other accounts to network with related accounts and content can be shared through reblogging. Collaboration is key to success on Tumblr and we stressed the importance of reaching out to followers and other accounts. Tumblr has a feature that allows people to submit posts and messages to a blog, pending approval. This was an added benefit to the success stories, as previous and current Outreach patients interacted with Outreach’s profile. These patients submitted photos and comments explaining their positive experience with Outreach, which helped improve upon their brand awareness and authenticity. 

After explaining the ins and outs of Tumblr, we put that training to use as the campaign was set to begin. Outreach helped over 2,300 people in four different countries over a year-long campaign by diagnosing, consulting and treating those in need. Each week, we helped our client post picture and video content, along with a blog explaining the events that occurred that week. One of the marketing strategies we helped our client with was to develop a hashtag to name this campaign, which is where the #HelpReachHealth initiative was conceived. By naming this initiative and creating a hashtag, it allowed for users to get engaged and express their support from anywhere in the world. Tumblr also allows accounts to personalize a domain for a specific purpose. This allowed for the #HelpReachHealth campaign to grow it’s awareness, but more importantly, allowed for all the blog posts to be centrally located. This domain and hashtag could be shared on any other social media platform for continuous awareness. The posts included pictures of Outreach’s medical staff tending to patients, as well as a ‘get to know them’ biography section. 

Tumblr is linked to Google Analytics, which helped us develop our post scheduling, another tool offered by Tumblr. The data mining process our firm used allowed us to determine the amount of visitors each blog post had, as well as the frequency of those visits. We were able to dial in on a time range where the most people were visiting our blogs, and implemented that into the Tumblr schedule system. This is so the blogs would be posted on certain dates and times, in order to align itself with the range of time the

circular whirlpool logo with scants forming a smilevisits occurred. The location services also helped our client determine the demographic of its visitors to see just how far their content is reaching. We were able to accomplish the goals that Outreach set out. We assisted them in growing their company brand, campaign brand, spread awareness, and more importantly, help Outreach become more personable in not only the Toledo area, but across the world. 

WeCanHelp! assists our clients reach their branding and following goals by using different social media platforms. This case highlights our ability to target the right social media platform for clients based on their goals. We are able to help clients reach a broader audience through testimonials or specific posted content that will create interest and interaction between our client and their intended audience.

medical center logo generator




How Pinterest Helps Women’s Health

Pinterest’s ability to share creative ideas and content allows people to interact globally. With over 250 million monthly active users and 2 million daily pins by users, there’s definitely a market for sharing content. Millennials are using Pinterest just as much as Instagram is being used. You may be thinking, how does Pinterest help women’s health? Pinterest is a great tool to spread awareness about anything whether it’s current diseases, mental health, or any other medical conditions due to its popularity and easy access. Our team has worked with countless clients to utilize social media platforms to help reach their goals, including Pinterest.

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Ways to use for clients:

  • Number of monthly active users: 250 million
  • Total number of pinterest users who save shopping pins on boards daily: 2 million
  • 81% users are female and 7% of total pins come from males
  • Milliennials use Pinterest as much as Intagram
  • Median age = 40 years old
    • Majority of active users are below 40 years old
  • Half of users earn $50,000 or more per year with 10% make greater than $125,000
  • 87% of users have purchased a product because of Pinterest
  • 80% of users come through a mobile device
  • Top category in US is Art, Art Supplies & Hobbies
  • Focus: People look for inspiration and new ideas about what to buy
  • Second biggest influencer on shopping habits
  • Users are called Pinners and posts on a board are considered Pins
  • Able to share products through Pins, can direct people to different websites by having Pinners click on pins
  • Can add price tags onto Pins
  • Can create a visual resume
    • Pin pictures of hospitals, client goals, education 
  • Users are aware of profiles meant just to advertise and generally stay away from them
    • If also pin and link to other complementary services, can give greater interest
  • Still should try to build a relationship with users
    • Be repin-able
    • Teach, humor and impress – then sell


Our Client Success Story

As 250 million people are active monthly on Pinterest with 81% users female, our team decided it was best to move forward with Pinterest in this case.

The Association of Women’s Health (AWH) has been the newest non-profit client at WeCanHelp! Their focus is to increase awareness of health issues that may impactpink cancer ribbon attached to a sprout with a heart logowomen specifically. They have different health concerns that manifest in a variety of ways that they do not in men. The problem is that the signs and symptoms of men are much more commonly known than in women. For example, with heart attacks, the symptoms are different between men and women but men’s symptoms are more common knowledge. AWH have made it their mission to spread this information to raise awareness and to provide health services for women across the country. 

The reason that AWH came to us was to help spread this message. They had seen the American Heart Association’s presentation we helped to create using Prezi and had already tried to use traditional presentations at different events and to different medical facilities. However, they felt they could get a wider reach by using a different social media platform. With the users they were trying to target and the length of the information they were trying to communicate, we decided to start a social media campaign on Pinterest.

Pinterest has an average active monthly users of 250 million, called Pinners. The median age of Pinners are 40 years old and 81% of them are female. Pinners use Pinterest to find inspiration or new ideas about products or services. When a user posts, a Pin is created, which is generally a picture or video that summarizes the link that is connected to the Pin. Using this system, AWH would be able to Pin a fun fact or a new way to hold off certain diseases (such as changing diet or exercising in a unique way) that a user could then click on that would take them to the article or AWH website that speaks more to this subject. A collection of Pins is called a Board and so we had AWH focus on three different topics for three new Boards; Heart Disease, Breast Cancer and Mental Health. We also suggested that AWH start following other similar medical organizations and organizations that their target audience would follow. This can give AWH insight on what their target audience is looking at and interested in. We suggested that they waited to highlight their services because Pinners can be aware when an account is just trying to advertise their services or products and shy away from that account. 

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After a month of consistently creating new Pins and pinning other topics and information, AWH had gained a following of over 1,000 Pinners and created 10 boards on different women’s health topics. At this point, we suggested that AWH start to sprinkle in links to their services and products amidst their other topics and inspiring ideas. After 2 months, AWH was able to grow their following to 2,500 users and have over 20 boards of information, products and services that helped to increase the health concerns of women everywhere as well as grow the conversations and natural interactions with the intended audience. AWH was very excited with this new following and found that their services were in greater demand by 20%. 

WeCanHelp! is able to help our clients decide which social media platform would be most beneficial based off of their goals and targets, even if it is out of the box. We can help clients determine the specific demographics of their target audience and what would make the most impact on that audience. We can help to design strategies on making the most impact, including when patients is necessary and help clients manage their social media interactions.

medical center logo generator

We Can Help – LinkedIn

WellnessU is a healthcare startup that promotes healthy living through diet and exercise. The company is located in Toledo, OH and only has one location. WellnessU was founded by a recent graduate of BGSU’s Dietetics program and the owner was hoping to utilize her network of BGSU alumni to help build her initial client base. The company has been operating for about six months and is struggling with acquiring new clients. WellnessU reached out to WeCanHelp! to utilize our personalized, solution-oriented social media networking team.

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WellnessU Company Logo

After some discussion between WellnessU and WeCanHelp, we decided it would be best to create a LinkedIn profile for their company. LinkedIn is a social media platform that allows members to create a profile and connect with other users online. LinkedIn is primarily used for professional networking, unlike Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat. LinkedIn is used by over 610 million people in the world, up from 400 million in 2015. Most users range between the age of 21 – 60, but some high schoolers are beginning to use it to assist in their college application process. With over 50 million business professionals on LinkedIn, it makes as the perfect tool for reaching other professionals. The healthcare sector of LinkedIn has over 1.5 million professionals registered for networking. This target market fit perfectly with WellnessU’s potential new client demographic.

A very important feature of LinkedIn is the ability to create and join groups to collaborate with other healthcare professionals globally. There are over 1.3 million groups on LinkedIn, and over 128,000 of those groups are for academic and corporate alumni. Groups allow people to easily connect and engage with classmates, as well as un-reachable alumni to establish the non-existent relationships. Over 65 million business professionals across the world are using LinkedIn.

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BGSU Alumni page on LinkedIn

We Can Help had WellnessU join BGSU’s alumni group and St. Ursula Academy’s (owner’s high school in Toledo) alumni group. We also had WellnessU join two very popular health and wellness groups. Our goal for our client was to have them active on LinkedIn for 30 days engaging with various people in the groups. By doing this, we expect our WellnessU’s client base to increase due to the publicity gained from the LinkedIn interaction. The Campaign Manager analytic software that LinkedIn employs, allowed for WellnessU to measure the performance of how well the merging strategy worked. The ad campaign for joining with other alumni groups allowed our client to successfully reach related LinkedIn apart of other alumni groups.

After activating WellnessU’s LinkedIn profile, we were able to engage with a large community in Toledo that appreciates health and wellness. We encouraged WellnessU’s clients to write a post tagging our company and encouraging other people to follow us and to reach out. We even had some users endorse the owner for her leadership skills. There is no question that business improved for WellnessU after creating a LinkedIn profile. Campaign Manager, apart of LinkedIn analytics, allowed for WellnessU to track the engagements of those testimonials. Our client was then able to dial in on the demographic of profiles that engaged and viewed those posts. This helped to re-align our client’s strategy to ensure continuous improvement.

We were able to conduct analyses that looked at previous monthly sales and the forecasted sales to determine the effect of the newly established LinkedIn presence. LinkedIn analytics provided the tools, along with our seasoned professionals, to determine the ROI for joining LinkedIn. WellnessU was able to reach 2,600 alumni connections within the first month of the launch. LinkedIn also has a feature that allows the user to see how many people viewed one’s profile. We take note of how our views increase after we make a post in groups and when someone else makes a positive post about WellnessU. Analytics ensure the most effective content is being published for optimal results.

Reach out to WeCanHelp if you want to grow your brand using the power of social media. Our personalized design helps ensure your company is on the path to a successful brand identity.

We Can Help – Facebook

HomeAssist is a small at-home healthcare company in the greater Columbus area looking to grow their business, as well as build their social media brand and penetrate that market. HomeAssist employs multiple experienced healthcare professionals to assist clients in need of help in the comfort of their own home. Maintaining a competitive advantage was difficult as insurance companies have access to hospitals and outpatient facilities business. These insurance companies also provide similar services for in-home hospice care. Web traffic was another problem that we helped HomeAssist combat in order to grow awareness about their company.

Our team of devoted individuals decided that in order to help HomeAssist, Facebook would be the best option to help reach their target audience. Facebook is a social media platform where users can share photos, post comments, links and articles, chat with other users and watch videos. Users can like, comment and share other users’ content to build a potential dialogue. Facebook users can also connect with each by either becoming Friends or by Following an individual or a Facebook page, which is usually geared toward businesses or certain campaigns/promoting different beliefs. The most common demographic on Facebook are ages 18-49 so there is a wide range of people using this platform.

The first step for HomeAssist  was to create an account and begin building the brand via Facebook by adding friends and gaining a following. HomeAssist was able to reach 10,000 friends in the area in only one week! We were able to reach HomeAssist’s past clients who are currently using Facebook, and had them share posts about the company. Collecting testimonials and review videos were a key piece in reaching more of a target audience. Being personable is our client’s number one goal, so by posting content with past client success stories helped reach a broader audience and get their services in the minds of others.

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HomeAssist Employee helping a patient

Engaging with the audience was another aspect of what helped make HomeAssist more personable. We were able to help specify the target audience on Facebook by finding different focus group pages related to in-home healthcare. From this, HomeAssist developed their own personal pages linked to other pages. HomeAssist increased sales by 43% in the first quarter after penetrating the Facebook market. Facebook helped prompt the ‘word of mouth’ style of advertising to a new digital age style.


WeCanHelp! assists our clients reach their branding and following goals by using social media. This case highlights our ability to target the right social media platform for clients based on their goals. We are able to help clients be able to reach a broader audience through testimonials or specific posted content that will create interest and interaction between our client and their intended audience.


We Can Help! – Prezi

We Can Help has teamed up with the American Heart Association to spread awareness about heart health. The American Heart Association wants to promote new information and guidelines to encourage healthier living. We Can Help came up with an idea to promote the information in a unique way, presenting the same information simultaneously around the country. The American Heart Association has representatives all over the United States. We Can Help recommended that the American Heart Association create a Prezi that could be used by each representative at the same time. After the presentation, a link would be uploaded to the AHA website that would allow it to be accessed, viewed, and shared by the public.

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Prezi is a presentation software that allows users to present online or offline from anywhere. There have been over 325 million public presentations created using Prezi, and those presentations have been viewed over 3.5 billion times. According to Prezi’s website, “Harvard researchers find it more engaging, persuasive, and effective than PowerPoint.” We Can Help thinks Prezi is the right tool to help representatives present captivating content from all over the US at the same time. Prezi has designer templates, and smart branding software that makes creating the presentation an easy task. It also has templates that are specific industries such as business, marketing, sales, and education.


We Can Help created the presentation for The American Heart Association using the Mind Map template on Prezi. This template is shaped like a web and allows one topic to be expanded on in separate parts of the web. The presentation has “Heart Health” at the center of the web and has new information on diet, exercise, and other helpful tips broken down in the sub categories of the web. The visual appearance of the presentation helps viewers understand that each part of this web is equally important to maintain proper heart health.

The presentation took place three weeks ago and was a total success. The Prezi has been viewed over 100,000 times from 87,000 unique viewers. The feedback people gave on the Prezi was phenomenal. People stated how captivating the presentation was, and how the visual display allowed them to easily process what the speaker was saying. Overall, Prezi turned out to be the perfect software to use for the American Heart Association’s presentation. In the future, we will plan to use the software for all our presentations and will recommend it to any client that asks about presentation software. Prezi is great for any in person presentation and can be used for sharing information in a visually pleasing way online.

We Can Help! – Snapchat

Our most recent client was Ohio Teaching Hospital and they had a unique problem that they wanted us to solve. As a teaching hospital, part of their goals are to attract the best and brightest medical students to their hospital as residents from across the country. However, Ohio Teaching Hospital noticed over the past couple of years that their resident numbers had been dramatically decreasing at the same time they were applying for a grant that could increase funding for the hospital based on the number of students they had in their program. At first, they thought their program was not as strong as their peers so they worked to improve their programs with help from consultants and bringing in more experienced doctors. However, they did not see an increase in residents as they were hoping. When they looked at their applicants, they found that they were only getting local applicants and were not attracting students from other states. That is where we came in at We Can Help!

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Ohio Health Teaching Hospital

Ohio Teaching Hospital already was on LinkedIn and was familiar with working on Facebook, but their information was easily and periodically outdated. Most of their social media presence was focused on providing information to experienced doctors who were already professionals in their field instead of focusing on the younger demographic. Since we did not want to disturb their plans that were successful in bringing in the teachers, we suggested setting up a SnapChat account for Ohio Teaching Hospital. We showed OTH that the most common demographic of the over 100 million daily users of Snapchat were 12-24 years old, before other hospitals were engaging those students interested in medicine. With Snapchat, they could host short videos to show the changes to their program or just give highlights on what was new and up and coming in their program. We suggested that OTH start to shoot videos that gave a “behind the scenes” look of what the expert doctors were doing and on some of the more interesting patient files, with patient consent. This would give potential residents a chance to see who they might be working with and what they could be working on.

One way that they could promote their new social media platform was to put the Snapchat URL on their website with their username at the end. This can direct people to their account when people accessed their website on their phone so they can start following OTH for their Snaps and their longer Stories if OTH had a longer series of videos they wanted to keep on their account for a longer period of time than the usual Snap. Finally, they can also advertise their Snapchat account through their Facebook profile. After starting to use this campaign at the beginning of the recruiting season, OTH saw a 10% increase in the number of students interested in their program. After two years, they had a total increase of 40% and were able to get the grant they had applied for. We suggested that if the grant or a new grant required a sharp increase in residence and they could pay for Snap Ads to get their information in front of more people.

This client case highlights how we are able to tailor which social media platform to your intended audience and how to best target that demographic. We also are able to help clients build off other current social media platforms. In the future, we will use Snapchat to target the younger demographic of people because of the success of this social media campaign.